Catch Noah's Arc from the Beginning

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So you want more Noah's Arc? Well, starting tonight, LOGO will be airing the series--starting from the first episode. YES! I also am hearing the network may produce more episodes if the ratings are good. So, come on, fans, let's do our part and get our favorite series back on the air, where it belongs.

Tune in every Wednesday at 10 pm/9 central. Don't forget. Even if you own the discs and have seen the episodes a million times, your viewership is still needed. WATCH!


Anonymous said...

I knew it!! When I clicked on LOGO to see what their line-up would be and saw that Noah's Arc was coming on, I kinda figured LOGO's setting something up and especially when I saw that it was airing the first show. I'm excited about it and HOPE that NA will come back to LOGO soon! I definitely watched and will continue to do so!

Shajarena said...

When r u starting your writing again?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the reruns on logo, i only seen a few episodes

NAFF said...

As I understand it, Logo only planned a few episodes from the 1st season. That's all I know for now.

I am working on the first episode of the fictional fourth season, so look for it this spring.

Anonymous said...

U can't trust Logo, thanks for being committed to the ARC

Anonymous said...

I miss you NAFF...but thinking of YOU always from down here;)

Anonymous said...

Hello NA fans...have you all seen Sins of My Mother on Lifetime...Ricky is in it! No lines...but he had his cameo...& he is still hot as ever...& "Penelope" - I think that was the name she played the "girlfriend" of Tre's Dr. the flower shop she blindly said she was "missing her man" ...that was still in "Africa"...she was in the movie as well...

As you can tell...just wishing the NA'sters well in the current endeavors...

Does anyone have anymore "spottings"?

Anonymous said...

??? "Penelope" ???? u mean "Felicity" & she was dating "Guy" ... also if u look closely "Dre (merwin mondesir) is talking to Ricky (christian vincent) also in "Sins of the Mother" both No lines...

Anonymous said...

Noah's ARC Season 1 Episode 1 is airing tonight. WATCH IT!!! LOGO could be setting something up (similiar to the beginning of the year)... We have to bring the show back, darnit... we JUST have too!!

Anonymous said...

Noah's ARC is airing tonight 5/10 on LOGO @ 9:30p.m. (central time) WATCH IT!!! Never know what LOGO has up their sleeves... We have to bring the show back!!

Anonymous said...

anxiously awaiting season 4, NAFF

Keena.L said...

I love the work that u are doing with this blog! I was soooo excited to find ur fictional season 3! I spent the past hour reading all 8 episodes! I hope u plan to continue with season 4!! =] I'm definately hooked now! Keep up the fantastic work... Ahh I'm sooo excited! I'm going to re-read the episodes! Lol.. Ooh and Happy 4th of July!!

Anonymous said...

I have been watching Noah's Arc on Monday's & Thursday's (10:00 & 10:30 p.m.) and noticed that they are doing a Noah's Arc marathon Saturday and Sunday (July 17th & July 18th) and will be airing Noah's Arc Jump the Broom on July 19th at 7:00 p.m. with limited interruptions so hopefully LOGO realizes that people want to see Noah's Arc Season THREE and are gearing up for it. I really hope so because it'd be nice to see what the gang's been up to since the wedding. Maybe LOGO should put NAFF's season three on production...

Anonymous said...

where is season 4 NAFF? Are u coming back? You can't leave us in the dark, especially with ricky's depature. please keep writing #soaddicted

Bruh L said...

I loved and dearly miss N A, I just don't really trust LOGO. Are they now trying to claim poor ratings as to why it was canceled? Bullshit!!!
We all k-n-o-w the REAL reason the
network did not fully support and
back N A. For pretty much the same
reasons "they" don't in real life.
If WE are not fucking them, or in
dresses and makeup entertaining them, we don't exactly exist in their minds. N A was a show about gay men of color, who seemed happy
and content to date and commune
with other men of color. If Ricky was screwing White men every other
episode, or Noah was shown lovingly looking in some White man's face, instead of Wade's, we'd all have gotten to enjoy the
series uninterrupted. Seems they don't want to show us happy with
one another, there has to a White man or 2, being fawned over. LOGO
just was not too happy that a basically Black show was seen as its
signature show. THAT, not ratings,
is what it was really about!!!

Bruh L said...

I wish some other cable network would pick up "Noah". It surely
would be better treated than it
was at LOGO.....